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Autophagie - Zellrecycling durch Fasten
Gregor Staudner 31 May 2019

Autophagy - cell recycling through fasting

Why fasting is healthy There is only one condition that makes the human body stronger and...

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Das Chaga-Eistee Rezept!
Gregor Staudner 31 May 2019

The chaga iced tea recipe!

CHAGA DIFFERENTLY Chaga does not always have to be drunk hot. During the hot summer months...

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Die Wirkung von Chaga auf die Zirbeldrüse
Gregor Staudner 17 May 2019

Chaga's effect on the pineal gland

Melatonin, melanin & the pineal gland Melatonin and melanin have a very complex relationship...

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Chaga goes TU Wien!
Gregor Staudner 14 May 2019

Chaga goes TU Vienna!

FFG funds our first research project Together with the Vienna University of Technology and WoodKPlus, we have...

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Chaga vs. Gastritis
Gregor Staudner 14 May 2019

Chaga vs. gastritis

ACUTE OR CHRONIC GASTRITIS In the long term, untreated gastritis can lead to intestinal ulcers or even to the...

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Chaga Fasten Camp
Gregor Staudner 6 May 2019

Chaga Fasting Camp

Healthy fasting with Chaga Our Chaga fasting method is an intermittent fasting programme and includes the following...

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Wie erkennt man einen echten Chaga-Pilz?
Gregor Staudner 12 April 2019

How do you recognise a real Chaga mushroom?

When you try to find a Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus), you are primarily looking...

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Die Qualität von Chaga-Pilzen beurteilen
Gregor Staudner 20 November 2018

Assessing the quality of Chaga mushrooms

The most powerful antioxidant of our time Chaga is considered the strongest and most potent of all medicinal mushrooms....

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Wie wende ich Chaga richtig an?
Gregor Staudner 2 November 2018

How do I use Chaga correctly?

About taking Chaga products Chaga is often sold in the form of capsules, powder and...

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Chaga bei Psoriasis, Akne und Neurodermitis
Gregor Staudner 18. October 2018

Chaga for psoriasis, acne and neurodermatitis

Treatment with Chaga for atopic dermatitis Chaga can stabilise and optimise our immune system and prevent attacks by our own...

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Chaga bei Diabetes Typ 2
Gregor Staudner 28 September 2018

Chaga for type 2 diabetes

Diabetes type 2 - positive effect of Chaga Healthy blood sugar levels rise. the...

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Heilung mit Chaga bei Colitis ulcerosa möglich
Gregor Staudner 28 September 2018

Healing with chaga for ulcerative colitis possible

Effect of chaga on ulcerative colitis In Scandinavian folk medicine, chaga has been used as an...

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Gregor Staudner 28 September 2018

Stop hyperacidity in the body with chaga

Why does reflux occur? Heartburn is a very unpleasant, burning or even painful sensation behind the...

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