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Slide ORAC value over 36.5 million
Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity
Enjoy organic
& sustainable
0 % toxins
& pollutants
SHOP NOW Rich in natural

Best quality from Finnish organic wild collection!

Biohacking at the highest level.

Frei von Toxinen und Umweltgiften!

Free from toxins and environmental toxins!

Pollutant-free and residue-controlled by Agrolab. Tested by WoodKPlus at the TU Vienna.

Freie Radikale können deine Zellen angreifen!

Free radicals can attack your cells!

In the fight against free radicals, the body gets help from so-called antioxidants.

Profitiere von unserem schnellen EU-Versand!

Benefit from our fast EU shipping!

Integrate Chaga into your first-aid kit and discover a new travelling companion!

Trust and ethics are the fundamental pillars of a functioning healthcare system.

Our chaga products come exclusively from sustainable wild harvesting. Careful inspections and residue checks are carried out regularly on the raw materials before they are processed in Germany or Austria and released for sale. These strict standards guarantee the quality and safety of our products.

Chaga has been used in Northern European folk medicine for over 400 years.

Wild chaga is considered to be the most complex natural remedy discovered on earth to date. More than 1600 scientific studies worldwide have analysed this. We have summarised these studies for you and developed our products accordingly.

Chaga Pilz
100% Reinheitsgarantie

100% purity guarantee

Vegan & gentechnikfrei

Vegan & GMO-free

Ohne Tierleid hergestellt

Produced without animal suffering

Chaga thrives
at up to -50° Celsius

100% Wild collection. It takes around 15 years until the Chaga mushroom is harvested. The entire fruiting body is never removed so that the mushroom can continue to grow. As protection against the icy cold, chaga develops its unique ingredients over the years.

From the harvest
directly into the drying chamber.

100% processing in Austria and Germany. Once the chunk of chaga has been separated from the living birch, it is first placed in the drying chamber, where it is only allowed to leave when it has reached the right degree of maturity.

Moisture content 0%
Chaga enthält 29 verschiedene Polysaccharid-Derivate

Chaga contains 29 different polysaccharide derivatives

Beta-Glucane sind wichtige Ballaststoffe

Beta-glucans are important dietary fibres

Garantiert nachhaltige und wilde Ernte unserer Rohstoffe!

Guaranteed sustainable and wild harvesting of our raw materials!

Chaga Drops


How do I prepare my
Chaga tea the right way?

The traditional form of preparation is hot water extraction. It should be noted that the contact time of the granules with boiling water should ideally be 60 minutes or longer.

Laboratory-tested purity and conscientious residue controls
with every delivery.

In collaboration with WoodKPlus at the Vienna University of Technology, we discovered that our Chaga products have an average ORAC value* of 36.5 million!

The ingenious natural formula.

Let the power of nature work for you! Natural ingredients are your allies when it comes to balancing the important health processes in your body and creating a harmonious connection between body and mind.

Wild Chaga Triple Liquid Extract

Liquid extract



Our triple extract is extracted three times. Perfect for the first-aid kit!

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Wild Chaga organic granules 1+1 for free!

Granulated Chaga



Organic chaga granules from Finnish wild harvesting. Brew now and enjoy!

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