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Storage of Chaga

Storage temperature

Chaga should be stored in a cool and dry place. Ideally in a place protected from light. This way it will keep for a particularly long time.


All products should be resealed well after opening or used up quickly. Don’t forget: the biggest enemy of food and food supplements is oxidation. And we don’t want that.

Can Chaga change its appearance?

Make sure that your Chaga does not get wet in the packaging. So never use a damp spoon or even your fingers. If the pack has become damp inside and you close it again, there is a risk of mould developing.

Important information about Chaga

Chaga and medication

Be aware of the blood-thinning effect of chaga when taking blood-thinning medication! Any changes to the dose of medication should be made by a doctor and decided freely!

Kidney weakness

Chaga contains oxalic acid. We therefore recommend that you do not consume chaga products if you suffer from kidney stones or kidney weakness. Consultation with your family doctor is necessary here!

Is the Chaga mushroom edible?

The chaga granules should not be eaten. You can brew the granules several times with boiling water or pour hot water over them in a stamp press. However, we recommend throwing the brew into the organic waste or compost. The dry extract, on the other hand, can be completely dissolved and can therefore be consumed whole.

Purity of Chaga

Every delivery to Austria comes from a region in Siberia where nature was not exposed to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. We randomly test every batch that arrives in Austria at Agrolab in Germany beforehand. So you can enjoy your Chaga tea without worrying about impurities and toxins.

What substances Chaga contains

Ingredients of Chaga

Hundreds of antioxidants, polyphenols, polysaccharides, phytosterols, triterpenes (betulin), enzymes (SOD), fibre (beta-glucan), melanin, adaptogens, minerals, amino acids and vitamins.

Does chaga contain sugar?

Chaga does not contain any sugar, except a little xylitol (birch sugar). Xylitol is as sweet as sugar, with one major difference: it has only half as many calories. In addition, birch sugar is said to be better for the teeth because it does not cause tooth decay. Xylitol prevents this metabolisation to acid. It therefore inhibits acid production. Xylitol is also said to ensure that the bacteria that cause tooth decay die off. And finally, birch sugar accelerates the mineralisation of tooth enamel.

What is not contained in Chaga

Chaga is vegan, lactose-free and gluten-free. Chaga contains no known allergens.

About the origin of Chaga

Where our Chaga comes from

Our Chaga comes from laboratory-tested wild harvesting. It needs about 15 years before it can be described as ripe. Chaga requires temperatures of up to -50° Celsius and forms its outstanding composition of ingredients as protection against the icy cold. For this reason, we have decided in favour of Siberian Chaga. The high dose of ingredients simply speaks for itself.

How Chaga works

Chaga has no toxic effects

In principle, chaga cannot be overdosed. However, you should not overdo it, because as Paracelsus wisely proclaimed, the quantity makes the poison.

Does Chaga contain caffeine or theine?

No, the chaga mushroom does not contain caffeine or theine. The energising effect is mainly due to the numerous antioxidants contained in this medicinal mushroom.

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