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Chaga-Adaptogene können Stress-Level senken
Gregor Staudner 27 November 2019

Chaga adaptogens can lower stress levels

Adaptogens can regulate stress levels Chaga adaptogens are nutrients that help our body to adapt to stress.

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Die geheimnisvolle Welt der Telomere
Gregor Staudner 21 November 2019

The mysterious world of telomeres

Protective cap at the end of the chromosome "Telomeres are the ends of our genetic material threads, the chromosomes. They serve as...

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Die Rolle von Deuterium in der Ernährung
Gregor Staudner 14 November 2019

The role of deuterium in nutrition

What is deuterium? Deuterium levels in the Western population are now so high that...

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Essentielle Aminosäuren im Chaga Pilz
Gregor Staudner 12 November 2019

Essential amino acids in the chaga mushroom

What amino acids does the chaga mushroom contain? The U. S. Food and Drug Administration is...

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Beta-Glucan beim Sport - Chaga steigert Regeneration
Gregor Staudner 6 November 2019

Beta-glucan during sport - Chaga increases regeneration

The effect of beta-glucan in combination with sport Chaga beta-glucan has extremely positive effects according to...

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Gesundheitlicher Nutzen von Chaga-Beta-Glucan
Gregor Staudner 2 October 2019

Health benefits of chaga beta-glucan

What are the health benefits of beta-glucans? For several decades now, there have been countless scientific studies on the...

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Beta-Glucan – Ballaststoff mit Turbo-Wirkung
Gregor Staudner 30 September 2019

Beta-glucan - dietary fibre with a turbo effect

The soluble dietary fibre beta-glucan in particular is gaining in importance due to its many health effects in the nutritional,...

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Chaga-Analyse an der TU Wien
Gregor Staudner 23 September 2019

Chaga analysis at the TU Vienna

Researching and analysing Chaga Something is happening in Vienna. The team from The...

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Chaga Pilz Extrakt
Gregor Staudner 21 September 2019

Chaga mushroom extract

CONTENTS OF CHAGA MUSHROOMS The Chaga Vital Mushroom is a valuable addition to our health today. ...

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Antinährstoff Lektin
Gregor Staudner 31 May 2019

Antinutrient lectin

What are lectins? Lectins are proteins. They are mostly found in plants, they can...

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Baumpilze - Superfood der Zukunft
Gregor Staudner 31 May 2019

Tree mushrooms - superfood of the future

Chaga & Co. mushrooms are not only tasty, but can also be very healthy for...

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Spermidin und seine Wirkung
Gregor Staudner 31 May 2019

Spermidine and its effect

Longevity and nutrition Calorie reduction and regular fasting extend lifespan and promote health maintenance....

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Autophagie - Zellrecycling durch Fasten
Gregor Staudner 31 May 2019

Autophagy - cell recycling through fasting

Why fasting is healthy There is only one condition that makes the human body stronger and...

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Das Chaga-Eistee Rezept!
Gregor Staudner 31 May 2019

The chaga iced tea recipe!

CHAGA DIFFERENTLY Chaga does not always have to be drunk hot. During the hot summer months...

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Die Wirkung von Chaga auf die Zirbeldrüse
Gregor Staudner 17 May 2019

Chaga's effect on the pineal gland

Melatonin, melanin & the pineal gland Melatonin and melanin have a very complex relationship...

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Chaga goes TU Wien!
Gregor Staudner 14 May 2019

Chaga goes TU Vienna!

FFG funds our first research project Together with the Vienna University of Technology and WoodKPlus, we have...

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