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Spermidine and its effect

Longevity and nutrition

Calorie reduction and regular fasting extend lifespan and promote the maintenance of health. This effect is based on a special mechanism: Autophagy. Autophagy represents the body's own recycling process. It breaks down the molecular waste in our cells.

Are there alternatives to fasting?

Spermidine is a natural substancewhich can activate autophagy. The advantage is that you don't have to go without food. This effect was demonstrated in the laboratory by Prof Frank Madeo discovered by chance. Prof Madeo and his research team were looking for life-prolonging natural substances and discovered spermidine as a potential autophagy activator.

Spermidine is found in all natural organisms. The highest concentration is found in the seminal fluid of various mammals. Scientists suspect that this phenomenon has an evolutionary background. Spermidine is thought to protect the genetic material in sperm and thus ensure the health of our offspring.

But not only in the seminal fluid, but also everywhere in the human body you can find this substance. It is an important component of each individual cell.

Spermidine-rich foods

The spermidine content decreases in the course of life. This development can be counteracted by a diet rich in spermidine. These include the following useful plant resources:

  • Sprouted vegetables (sprouts)
  • Apples, pears
  • Salad
  • Mushrooms
  • Nuts


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