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Lauric acid from coconut refines breast milk

Medium-chain fatty acids and their effect

Lauric acid is a medium-chain fatty acid, also known as MCT (medium-chain triglycerides) or MCFA (medium-chained fatty acids). Coconuts have a lauric acid content of around 45 % to around 59 % (extra virgin, i.e. cold-pressed organic coconut oil usually has the highest values). Lauric acid is also found in breast milk. However, the proportion depends on how much lauric acid the woman ingests through her diet.

Why lauric acid is so important

Scientific research confirms the antimicrobial effect. For example, medium-chain fatty acids are able to disable viruses by disrupting and thus destroying their outer lipid membrane. The inside is released and the virus perishes by virtually dissolving. It is precisely this effect against viruses, microbes, (yeast) fungi, bacteria etc. that makes lauric acid so valuable for breast milk, as babies also benefit from this protective property in this way. It can therefore make sense to consume high-quality coconut oil with a high lauric acid content during pregnancy.

Important: Lauric acid only unfolds its effect in the human body because it is broken down into its components there. The monoglycerides, i.e. monolaurin, are particularly effective.

Nutritionist and coconut researcher Dr Bruce Fife describes the medium-chain fatty acids in coconuts as a "natural antibiotic" that has an antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal effect.

Medium-chain fatty acids supply the body with energy quickly - an advantage that many athletes take advantage of. It can also help to rub coconut oil into stressed muscle areas before training.



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