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In a world characterised by constant hustle and bustle and increasing stress, many people are looking for natural ways to maintain their inner balance. This is where chaga comes into play, a medicinal mushroom that is not only known for its health benefits but is also recognised as an effective remedy against stress and its effects on the body. We have summarised the most important points for you.

1. adaptogenic support: Chaga is one of the so-called adaptogens, natural substances that help the body to better adapt to stressful situations. By strengthening resistance to stressors, chaga helps to put the body in a more balanced state.

2. regulation of the cortisol level: The medicinal mushroom can help to regulate cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is a hormone that is increasingly released during times of stress. A balanced cortisol level is important to minimise the negative effects of chronic stress.

3. anti-inflammatory effect: Stress can lead to inflammation in the body, which in turn is linked to various health problems. Chaga, with its anti-inflammatory properties, not only supports stress reduction, but also helps to alleviate the underlying inflammatory processes.

4. nervous system balance: By promoting balance in the nervous system, chaga can have a calming effect on the mind. This can help to reduce stress and tension and contribute to a general feeling of relaxation and serenity.

5. improved sleep quality: Stress can often lead to sleep problems. Chaga with its calming effect, can help to promote sleep and improve the quality of sleep, which in turn contributes to the regeneration of body and mind.

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